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NEW Top Check Backwater Valves
and Top Check Backwater Valve parts

4 inch PVC Top-Check Backwater Valve with Access Box, Bladder Seal and Flood Alarm

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Learn more about Top-Check Backwater Valves

ML PVC4TCCombo - Mainline Top-Check Backwater Valve with Manual Close feature for use with 4" Schedule 40 PVC drainage pipe:




These valves are typically installed inside in the basement floor for easy access. To assist in allowing the installation to be flush with the basement floor level, it is shipped with a Mainline ABS Access Box!

To reduce the possibility of groundwater, radon gas, bugs and insects and to help with nice clean valve access free of gravel, sand, mud and water, it is shipped with a Mainline Bladder Seal!

To aid you in knowing when your Top Check is closed and protecting you from a backflow event, it is shipped with a Mainline Top-Check Alarm!.

NOTE: If you do not have inside access (as in buildings built on a slab), you may want to look at our Adapt-A-Valves or Straight Fit Valves (see sections below).

Click for details about this new item

Please make sure you want 4 inch PVC Schedule 40 DWV Topcheck Backwater Valve when you select this part number.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Top Check Backwater Valve Combo IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 510.00

4 inch PVC Top-Check Backwater Valve

ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Learn more about Top-Check Backwater Valves

ML PVC4TC - Mainline Top-Check Backwater Valve with Manual Close feature for use with 4" Schedule 40 PVC drainage pipe:

Same as above, but valve only

Please make sure you want 4 inch PVC Schedule 40 DWV Topcheck Backwater Valve when you select this part number.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Top Check Backwater Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 345.00

Top-Check ALARM for Mainline TopCheck Backwater Valve

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Learn more about Top-Check Backwater Valves


ML TCAlarm
- Mainline Top-Check Backwater Valve ALARM KIT for use only with Mainline brand Top Check Backwater Valves:

Please make sure you have a Mainline brand TOP CHECK Backwater Valve when you select this part number or this product may not work with your valve.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Top Check Backwater Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 169.00

Top-Check CONVERSION KIT for Mainline 4963 FULLPORT Backwater Valve

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Learn more about Top-Check Backwater Valves


Top Check Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions (Adobe Acrobat Top Check Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions )

ML TCKit - Mainline Top-Check CONVERSION KIT - - - Contains all of the parts needed to RETROFIT an older Mainline brand 4963 FULLPORT Backwater Valve into a Top Check functioning model.

Top Check Alarm Kit above can then also be used!

Please make sure you have a Mainline brand 4963 FULLPORT Backwater Valve when you select this part number or this product will not work with your valve.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Top Check Backwater Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 149.00

Top-Check ALARM for Mainline TopCheck Backwater Valve

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Learn more about Top-Check Backwater Valves


- Mainline Top-Check Backwater Valve REPLACEMENT Clear Lid
 - - - you must already have an original  Top Check valve with the Top Check "innards" already in place.

Please make sure you have a Mainline brand Top Check Valve when you select this replacement part number or this product will not work with your valve.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Top Check Backwater Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 69.00

Backwater Valve Replacement Gasket and Bolts

Backwater Valve Gasket and Bolt Kit IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

TC RK - New Stainless Steel Bolts (save original nuts),  Foam Replacement Gasket and Neoprene O-ring that seats in valve body and seals the gate for Top Check Valves.  Kit may be needed if you remove the clear plastic lid from valve for maintenance or to replace the gate or lid.  Carefully clean all surfaces and install the new parts.



Top Check Valve replacement cap

Top Check Backwater Valve Replacement Cap Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

TC Cap - New Cap for Top Check valves.  Caps rarely need to be replaced, but we keep them in stock just in case. Comes WITH replacement O Ring

$ 19.00


BLADDER SEAL only is IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

Bladder Seal only - Bladder Seal only (Access Box NOT included)

$ 24.00

Older Fullport Backwater Valves

Model 4963 Mainline Fullport Backwater Valves - for use with 4" Schedule 40 drainage pipe

These valves are typically installed inside in the basement floor for easy access.  If you need your installation to be flush with the basement floor level, it is recommended that you install this valve in an Access Box (available below).

If you do not have inside access (as in buildings built on a slab), you may want to look at our Adapt-A-Valves or Straight Fit Valves (see sections below).

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally.

ABS Backwater Valve with Access Box

ABS Backwater Valve with Access Box IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

Please make sure you want
4" ABS (Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part #

4" ABS Backwater Valve
- WITH Access Box

now $340.00

PVC Backwater Valve available soon . . . .
ABS Backwater Valve

ABS Backwater Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

Please make sure you want
4" ABS (Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part #

4" ABS Backwater Valve
WITHOUT Access Box

now $290.00

ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.- Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout - contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Replacement Parts for 4963 Fullport Backwater Valves

Model 4963 Mainline Fullport Backwater Valve Parts - for use with BOTH ABS & PVC Backwater Valves

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally.

backwater valve replacement clear plastic lid and cleanout cap

Backwater Valve Clear Replacement Lid with cap is IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

Replacement Lid with Cap
- for 4963 Backwater Valve

Clear Lid with 4" Cleanout Cap and O-Ring Seal for both
4" ABS and 4" PVC
Backwater Valves.

$ 55.00

Backwater Valve Replacement Gasket and Bolts

Backwater Valve Gasket and Bolt Kit IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

4963 RK - New Stainless Steel Bolts (save original nuts),  Foam Replacement Gasket and Neoprene O-ring that seats in valve body and seals the gate for both 4" ABS and 4" PVC Backwater Valves.  Kit may be needed if you remove the clear plastic lid from valve for maintenance or to replace the gate or lid.  Carefully clean all surfaces and install the new parts.

$ 29.00

backwater valve replacement gate

Fullport Backwater Valve Replacement Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

4963 Gate -New Gate for for both 4" ABS and 4" PVC valves. These Gates rarely need to be replaced, but we keep them in stock just in case.  NOTE: The Clear Plastic Lid must be removed to replace Gate as it is larger than the 4" cleanout access.  Gate simply snaps in place in channels inside of the valve body.

$ 25.00

black backwater valve replacement cap

Fullport Backwater Valve Replacement Cap Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment

fast shipment

4963 Cap -New Gate for for both 4" ABS and 4" PVC valves.  Caps rarely need to be replaced, but we keep them in stock just in case. Comes WITH replacement O Ring

$ 19.00

ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.- Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout - contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML-FR4 Backwater Valve with Access Box Combo
(old "Fio Valve")

ABS ML-FR4 Mainline Backwater Valve Fio Valve with Access Box

Backwater Valve Access Box with ML-FR4 Backwater Valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML-FR4-A-Combo - Mainline (available only in Scheduel 40 ABS) for use with 4" ABS drainage pipe -- Normally OPEN Float-Ball Controlled Gate with clear plastic inspection lid assembly and SHIPPED WITH PE-2013 ACCESS BOX at bundled price!!

These valves are typically installed inside in the basement floor for easy access.  If you need your installation to be flush with the basement floor level, it is recommended that you install this valve in an Access Box (available below).

If you do not have inside access (as in buildings built on a slab), you may want to look at our Adapt-A-Valves or Straight Fit Valves (see sections below).

Click for more pictures and details about this new item Learn more about the FIO Valve

Please make sure you want 4" ABS (Schedule 40 DWV) SHIPPED WITH the PE- 2013 ACCESS BOX when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

ML-FR4 4 inch ABS Mainline Fio Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 449.00

ML-FR4 Backwater Valve (old "Fio Valve")

ABS ML-FR4 Mainline Backwater Valve Fio Valve

ABS ML-FR4 Mainline Backwater Valve Fio Drain

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML-FR4-A - Mainline (available only in Schedule 40 ABS) for use with 4" ABS drainage pipe -- Normally OPEN Float-Ball Controlled Gate with clear plastic inspection lid assembly

Click for more pictures and details about this new item Learn more about the FIO Valve

Please make sure you want 4" ABS (Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

ML-FR4 4 inch ABS Mainline Fio Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 349.00

4" ABS Adapta Valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML4XABS - Mainline Adapt-A-Valves are sold with removable NORMALLY OPEN cassette included in the price and for use with
4" ABS drainage pipe.

Designed for exterior in-the-ground use without a vault. Removable gate cassette allows gate to be easily removed for cleaning, or if drain line requires snaking.

Standard 6" DWV pipe and cap (not included) is cut to length to extend valve access to ground level at time of installation. At the same time, a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe is cut to length and glued to the removable gate on one end and tee on the other. This unique Adapt a Valve design allows for deep burial access in your yard without the need for a manhole or expensive underground vault.

Please make sure you want 4" ABS  (Schedule 40 DWV) NORMALLY OPEN when you select this valve.  ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.

Adapt A Valve does not require a vault !!
4 inch Open ABS Adapt-A-Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 199.00

4" ABS Adapta Valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML4XABS - Mainline Adapt-A-Valves are sold with removable NORMALLY CLOSED cassette included in the price and for use with
4" ABS drainage pipe.

Designed for exterior in-the-ground use without a vault. Removable gate cassette allows gate to be easily removed for cleaning, or if drain line requires snaking.

Standard 6" DWV pipe and cap (not included) is cut to length to extend valve access to ground level at time of installation. At the same time, a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe is cut to length and glued to the removable gate on one end and tee on the other. This unique Adapt a Valve design allows for deep burial access in your yard without the need for a manhole or expensive underground vault.

Please make sure you want 4" ABS  (Schedule 40 DWV) NORMALLY CLOSED when you select this valve.  ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.

Adapt A Valve does not require a vault !!

4 inch Closed ABS Adapt-A-Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 199.00

Adapta Valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML4XPVC - Mainline Adapt-A-Valves are sold with removable NORMALLY OPEN cassette included in the price and for use with
4" PVC drainage pipe.

Designed for exterior in-the-ground use without a vault. Removable gate cassette allows gate to be easily removed for cleaning, or if drain line requires snaking.

Standard 6" DWV pipe and cap (not included) is cut to length to extend valve access to ground level at time of installation. At the same time, a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe is cut to length and glued to the removable gate on one end and tee on the other. This unique Adapt a Valve design allows for deep burial access in your yard without the need for a manhole or expensive underground vault.

Please make sure you want 4" PVC  (Schedule 40 DWV) NORMALLY OPEN when you select this valve.  ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.

Adapt A Valve does not require a vault !!

4 inch Open PVC Adapt-A-Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 199.00

Adapta Valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML4XPVC - Mainline Adapt-A-Valves are sold with removable NORMALLY CLOSED cassette included in the price and for use with 4" PVC drainage pipe.

Designed for exterior in-the-ground use without a vault. Removable gate cassette allows gate to be easily removed for cleaning, or if drain line requires snaking.

Standard 6" DWV pipe and cap (not included) is cut to length to extend valve access to ground level at time of installation. At the same time, a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe is cut to length and glued to the removable gate on one end and tee on the other. This unique Adapt a Valve design allows for deep burial access in your yard without the need for a manhole or expensive underground vault.

Please make sure you want 4" PVC  (Schedule 40 DWV) NORMALLY CLOSED when you select this valve.  ALWAYS check your local building code before installing.

Adapt A Valve does not require a vault !!
4 inch Closed PVC Adapt-A-Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 199.00

Adapt a valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

US, US Express, UK, Canada & Spain Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML3XABS - Mainline Adapt-A-Valves are sold with removable NORMALLY OPEN cassette included in the price and for use with 3" ABS drainage pipe.

Designed for exterior in-the-ground use without a vault. Removable gate cassette allows gate to be easily removed for cleaning, or if drain line requires snaking.

Standard 4" DWV pipe and cap (not included) is cut to length to extend valve access to ground level at time of installation. At the same time, a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe is cut to length and glued to the removable gate on one end and tee on the other. This unique Adapt a Valve design allows for deep burial access in your yard without the need for a manhole or expensive underground vault.

Please make sure you want 3" ABS  (Schedule 40 DWV) NORMALLY OPEN when you select this valve.

Adapt A Valve does not require a vault !!

3 inch Closed ABS Adapt-A-Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 179.00


ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

US, US Express, UK, Canada & Spain Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML3XPVC - Mainline Adapt-A-Valves are sold with removable NORMALLY OPEN cassette included in the price and for use with 3" PVC drainage pipe.

Designed for exterior in-the-ground use without a vault. Removable gate cassette allows gate to be easily removed for cleaning, or if drain line requires snaking.

Standard 4" DWV pipe and cap (not included) is cut to length to extend valve access to ground level at time of installation. At the same time, a piece of 3/4" PVC pipe is cut to length and glued to the removable gate on one end and tee on the other. This unique Adapt a Valve design allows for deep burial access in your yard without the need for a manhole or expensive underground vault.

Please make sure you want 3" PVC  (Schedule 40 DWV) NORMALLY OPEN when you select this valve.

Adapt-A-Valve does not require a vault !!

3 inch Closed PVC Adapt-A-Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 179.00

Straight Fit Extendable Backwater Valves

6" backwater valve - ML-SF668 Extendible PVC Backwater valves

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us




Learn more about 6" Backwater Valves

MLSF668PNC - STRAIGHT FIT PVC (available in PVC Only)
Mainline Straight-Fit Extendable Backwater Valve

For use with 6" Schedule 40 PVC drainage pipe
(PVC Valve Body and Standard Normally-Closed Gate).

6" STRAIGHT FIT Valves drop less than 1/2" from inlet to outlet over 12" of run 

6" STRAIGHT-FITTM backwater valves have a body that is extendable to whatever depth you require by simply gluing a riser of 8" Schedule 40 (like material) pipe into the valve body and extending it to ground level.  This sourced on site and cut-to-size on site riser is to be capped with an air-tight cap.  The normally closed gate is glued to a piece of ¾” PVC pipe (sourced on site and cut on site to proper length) and terminated with a 3/4" Schedule 40 PVC tee to form a tool to extract the gate from the valve body.

Mainline has integrated Smart-CURVETM technology into these valves where the curved gate and Smart-CURVETM "cleat insert" are designed to allow a sewer rodding snake to feed and retract without catching on the gate or valve body.

The STRAIGHT-FITTM also features an optional Test Gate that can be used to pressure test the system or to isolate the property for whatever purpose; non -payment of services, vacation properties, servicing etc.

Patented USA 4503881 and Canada 1196835; other patents pending. ASME A112.14.1-03, CSA B181.1-02 and B181.2-02, UPC US 8.096.318 and Canada 7.757.706 and 2.414.634.

Please make sure you want 6" PVC Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our MLSF668PNC 6 inch PVC Straight Fit Backwater Valve is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 330.00

4" backwater valve - ML-SF446 Extendible ABS Backwater valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us




Learn more about 4" Straight Fit Backwater Valves

Mainline Straight-Fit Extendable Backwater Valve

For use with 4" Schedule 40 ABS drainage pipe
(ABS Valve Body and Standard Normally-Closed Gate)

4" STRAIGHT FIT Valves drop less than 1/2" from inlet to outlet over 8" of run 

4" STRAIGHT-FITTM backwater valves have a body that is extendable to whatever depth you require by simply gluing a riser of 6" Schedule 40 (like material) pipe into the valve body and extending it to ground level.  This sourced on site and cut-to-size on site riser is to be capped with an air-tight cap.  The normally closed gate is glued to a piece of ¾” PVC pipe (sourced on site and cut on site to proper length) and terminated with a 3/4" Schedule 40 PVC tee to form a tool to extract the gate from the valve body.

Mainline has integrated Smart-CURVETM technology into these valves where the curved gate and Smart-CURVETM "cleat insert" are designed to allow a sewer rodding snake to feed and retract without catching on the gate or valve body.

The STRAIGHT-FITTM also features an optional Test Gate that can be used to pressure test the system or to isolate the property for whatever purpose; non -payment of services, vacation properties, servicing etc.

Patented USA 4503881 and Canada 1196835; other patents pending. ASME A112.14.1-03, CSA B181.1-02 and B181.2-02, UPC US 8.096.318 and Canada 7.757.706 and 2.414.634.

Please make sure you want 4" ABS (Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our MLSF446ANC 4 inch ABS Straight Fit Backwater Valve is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 195.00

4" backwater valve - ML-SF446 Extendible PVC Backwater valves

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us




Learn more about 4" Straight Fit Backwater Valves

Mainline Straight-Fit Extendable Backwater Valve
For use with 4" Schedule 40 PVC drainage pipe
(PVC Valve Body and Standard Normally-Closed Gate).

4" STRAIGHT FIT Valves drop less than 1/2" from inlet to outlet over 12" of run 

4" STRAIGHT-FITTM backwater valves have a body that is extendable to whatever depth you require by simply gluing a riser of 6" Schedule 40 (like material) pipe into the valve body and extending it to ground level.  This sourced on site and cut-to-size on site riser is to be capped with an air-tight cap.  The normally closed gate is glued to a piece of ¾” PVC pipe (sourced on site and cut on site to proper length) and terminated with a 3/4" Schedule 40 PVC tee to form a tool to extract the gate from the valve body.

Mainline has integrated Smart-CURVETM technology into these valves where the curved gate and Smart-CURVETM "cleat insert" are designed to allow a sewer rodding snake to feed and retract without catching on the gate or valve body.

The STRAIGHT-FITTM also features an optional Test Gate that can be used to pressure test the system or to isolate the property for whatever purpose; non -payment of services, vacation properties, servicing etc.

Patented USA 4503881 and Canada 1196835; other patents pending. ASME A112.14.1-03, CSA B181.1-02 and B181.2-02, UPC US 8.096.318 and Canada 7.757.706 and 2.414.634.

Please make sure you want 4" PVC Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our MLSF446PNC 4 inch PVC Straight Fit Backwater Valve is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 195.00

3" backwater valve - ML-SF334 Extendible ABS Backwater valve

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us




Learn more about 3" Straight Fit Backwater Valves

Mainline Straight-Fit Extendable Backwater Valve

For use with 3" Schedule 40 ABS drainage pipe
(ABS Valve Body and Standard Normally-Closed Gate)

3" STRAIGHT FIT Valves drop less than 3/8" from inlet to outlet over 7" of run 

3" STRAIGHT-FITTM backwater valves have a body that is extendable to whatever depth you require by simply gluing a riser of 4" Schedule 40 (like material) pipe into the valve body and extending it to ground level.  This sourced on site and cut-to-size on site riser is to be capped with an air-tight cap.  The normally closed gate is glued to a piece of ¾” PVC pipe (sourced on site and cut on site to proper length) and terminated with a 3/4" Schedule 40 PVC tee to form a tool to extract the gate from the valve body.

Mainline has integrated Smart-CURVETM technology into these valves where the curved gate and Smart-CURVETM "cleat insert" are designed to allow a sewer rodding snake to feed and retract without catching on the gate or valve body.

The STRAIGHT-FITTM also features an optional Test Gate that can be used to pressure test the system or to isolate the property for whatever purpose; non -payment of services, vacation properties, servicing etc.

Patented USA 8.096.318 / 7.757.406 and Canada 2.414.834; other patents pending. ASME A112.14.1-03, CSA B181.1-02 and B181.2-02, UPC US 8.096.318 and Canada 7.757.706 and 2.414.634.

Please make sure you want 3" ABS (Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our MLSF334ANC 3 inch ABS Straight Fit Backwater Valve is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 168.00

3" backwater valve - ML-SF334 Extendible PVC Backwater valves

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us




Learn more about 3" Straight Fit Backwater Valves

Mainline Straight-Fit Extendable Backwater Valve
For use with 3" Schedule 40 PVC drainage pipe
(PVC Valve Body and Standard Normally-Closed Gate).

3" STRAIGHT FIT Valves drop less than 3/8" from inlet to outlet over 7" of run 

3" STRAIGHT-FITTM backwater valves have a body that is extendable to whatever depth you require by simply gluing a riser of 4" Schedule 40 (like material) pipe into the valve body and extending it to ground level.  This sourced on site and cut-to-size on site riser is to be capped with an air-tight cap.  The normally closed gate is glued to a piece of ¾” PVC pipe (sourced on site and cut on site to proper length) and terminated with a 3/4" Schedule 40 PVC tee to form a tool to extract the gate from the valve body.

Mainline has integrated Smart-CURVETM technology into these valves where the curved gate and Smart-CURVETM "cleat insert" are designed to allow a sewer rodding snake to feed and retract without catching on the gate or valve body.

The STRAIGHT-FITTM also features an optional Test Gate that can be used to pressure test the system or to isolate the property for whatever purpose; non -payment of services, vacation properties, servicing etc.

Patented USA 8.096.318 / 7.757.406 and Canada 2.414.834; other patents pending. ASME A112.14.1-03, CSA B181.1-02 and B181.2-02, UPC US 8.096.318 and Canada 7.757.706 and 2.414.634.

Please make sure you want 3" PVC Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our MLSF334PNC 3 inch PVC Straight Fit Backwater Valve is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 168.00

3 inch backwater valve - ML-SF334 3 inch Normally Closed Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

MLSF336Gate -
3" Normally Closed Gate for 3" ABS or PVC STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

Original Normally Closed Replacement Gate for 3 inch Straight Fit Valve.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our ML-SF334Gate 3 inch Normally Closed Gate is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 35.00

4 inch backwater valve - ML-SF446 4 inch Normally Closed Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

MLSF446Gate -
4" Normally Closed Gate for 4" ABS or PVC STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

Original Normally Closed Replacement Gate for 4 inch Straight Fit Valve.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our ML-SF446Gate 4 inch Normally Closed Gate is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 39.00

6 inch backwater valve - ML-SF668 6 inch Normally Closed Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

MLSF668Gate -
6" Normally Closed Gate for 6" ABS or PVC STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

Original Normally Closed Replacement Gate for Straight Fit Valve.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our ML-SF668Gate 6 inch Normally Closed Gate is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 45.00

3 inch backwater valve - ML-SF334 3 inch Test Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

MLSF334TestEze -
3" Test Gate for  3" ABS or PVC STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

The insertion of a Test-Eze Gate into your Straight Fit Valve allows for isolation of the Valve to manually stop flow into and out of the building for inspection, or for some of the following other reasons: flushing of city mains, servicing of sewer lines, abandonment of premises, isolation of seasonal properties, during storms / hurricanes, contractors pressure testing of plumbing systems upstream of the valve chamber / cleanout, etc.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our ML-SF334TestEze 3 inch Test Gate is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 25.00

4 inch backwater valve - ML-SF446 4 inch Test Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

MLSF446TestEze -
4" Test Gate for  4" ABS or PVC STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

The insertion of a Test-Eze Gate into your Straight Fit Valve allows for isolation of the Valve to manually stop flow into and out of the building for inspection, or for some of the following other reasons: flushing of city mains, servicing of sewer lines, abandonment of premises, isolation of seasonal properties, during storms / hurricanes, contractors pressure testing of plumbing systems upstream of the valve chamber / cleanout, etc.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our ML-SF446TestEze 4 inch Test Gate is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 28.00

6 inch backwater valve - ML-SF668 6 inch Test Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

MLSF668TestEze -
6" Test Gate for  6" ABS or PVC STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

The insertion of a Test-Eze Gate into your Straight Fit Valve allows for isolation of the Valve to manually stop flow into and out of the building for inspection, or for some of the following other reasons: flushing of city mains, servicing of sewer lines, abandonment of premises, isolation of seasonal properties, during storms / hurricanes, contractors pressure testing of plumbing systems upstream of the valve chamber / cleanout, etc.

Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

Our ML-SF668TestEze 6 inch Test Gate is in stock for fast shipment fast shipment $ 36.00

Termex Backwater Valves

110mm Termex Backwater Valve with Normally CLOSED Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

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Learn more about Termex Backwater Valves

MLTRMXNC - Mainline 110mm PVC TERMEX Backwater Valve for use with 110mm PVC drainage pipe:


Click for details about this new item

Please make sure you want 110mm PVC (Schedule 40) when you select this part number - Uses "Fernco" brand Neoprene Adapter to connect.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

110mm PVC Termex Backwater Valve IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 79.00

110mm PVC Termex Backwater Valve with Normally OPEN Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Learn more about Termex Backwater Valves

MLTRMXNO - Mainline 110mm PVC TERMEX Backwater Valve for use with 110mm PVC drainage pipe.


Click for details about this new item

Please make sure you want 110mm (Schedule 40) when you select this part number. Uses "Fernco" brand Neoprene Adapter to connect.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

110mm PVC Normally OPEN Gate Termex Valves are IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 79.00

Inspection Chambers

PVC Inspection Chamber with Normally OPEN Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML88ICRNO - Mainline PVC Inspection Chamber (constructed to SDR 26 heavy wall sewer specification) for use with 4" PVC drainage pipe SHIPPED WITH Normally OPEN Gate and 8" Lid Assembly

Click for details about this item

Please make sure you want 4" SDR 35 when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

PVC Inspection Chamber IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 279.00

PVC Inspection Chamber with Normally CLOSED Gate

ALWAYS check your local
building code before installing.

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

ML88ICRNC - Mainline PVC Inspection Chamber (constructed to SDR 26 heavy wall sewer specification) for use with 4" PVC drainage pipe;
SHIPPED WITH Normally CLOSED Gate and 8" Lid Assembly

Click for details about this item

Please make sure you want 4" PVC (Schedule 40 DWV) when you select this part number.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

PVC Inspection Chamber IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment

$ 279.00

Extra Adapt-A-Valves Cassettes

adaptavalve open cassette

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

PA4CassNO - Extra NORMALLY OPEN Cassette
for 4" ABS or PVC Adapt-A-Valve.

Uses 4" special buoyant disk for flotation to lift gate into the closed position when a backflow condition occurs.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout


4 inch Normally Open Adapt-A-Valve Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 45.00

Adaptavalve cassette

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

PA4CassNC - Extra NORMALLY CLOSED Cassette
for 4" ABS or PVC Adapt-A-Valve.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout







4 inch Normally Closed Adapt-A-Valve Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 45.00

3 inch replace cassette for adapta valve

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

PA3CassNO - Extra NORMALLY OPEN Cassette
for 3" ABS or PVC Adapt-A-Valve.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

3 inch Normally OPEN Adapt-A-Valve Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 42.00

3 inch replace cassette for adapta valve

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

PA3CassNC - Extra NORMALLY CLOSED Cassette
for 3" ABS or PVC Adapt-A-Valve.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

3 inch Normally Closed Adapt-A-Valve Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 42.00

Adapt-A-Valves Eze Test Gate

Adapt a valve eze test gate

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Adapt-A-Valve Test Gate, Eze Test Gate, in usePZ-4-TZ Test-Eze Gate -
Solid Cassette acts as an
Isolation Valve / Knife Valve
for either 4" ABS or 4" PVC

The insertion of a Test-Eze Gate into your Adapt-A-Valve allows for isolation of the Adapt-A-Valve Chamber / Cleanout to manually stop flow into and out of the building for inspection, or for some of the following other reasons: flushing of city mains, servicing of sewer lines, abandonment of premises, isolation of seasonal properties, during storms / hurricanes, contractors pressure testing of plumbing systems upstream of the valve chamber / cleanout, etc.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Normally Closed Adapt-A-Valve Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 39.00

Adapt a valve eze test gate

contact us about your backwater valve needs contact us

Adapt-A-Valve Test Gate, Eze Test Gate, in usePZ-3-TZ Test-Eze Gate -
Solid Cassette acts as an
Isolation Valve / Knife Valve
for either 3" ABS or 3" PVC

The insertion of a Test-Eze Gate into your Adapt-A-Valve allows for isolation of the Adapt-A-Valve Chamber / Cleanout to manually stop flow into and out of the building for inspection, or for some of the following other reasons: flushing of city mains, servicing of sewer lines, abandonment of premises, isolation of seasonal properties, during storms / hurricanes, contractors pressure testing of plumbing systems upstream of the valve chamber / cleanout, etc.

US & Protectorates, US Express, All Canadian Provinces, Caribbean, UK, Western Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. SPECIAL NOTE: You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" buyer for us to ship Internationally. Shipping Options at bottom of page and will be offered at checkout

4 inch Normally Closed Adapt-A-Valve Gate IN STOCK for fast shipment fast shipment $ 35.00


Shipping Information

Shipping Options are presented at checkout:
--- We ship USPS or UPS Ground or Expedited Shipping Service in the United States.
--- Global Priority Mail Service to: Canada, UK, W. Europe, Scandinavia, Spain, Israel, S. Africa, Australia. New Zealand, Costa Rica, The Caribbean etc. with any additional duty charges for buyer's account.
SPECIAL NOTE:  You MUST be a "PayPal Verified" Buyer for us to ship Internationally

eCheck Payments:
----- You MUST have a "PayPal Confirmed" Shipping Address for us to fulfill eCheck orders

backflow check valve products



adobe acrobat pdf filesAdapt-A-Valve Brochure (Adobe Acrobat pdf)

Adapt-A-Valve Inspection Chamber

Backwater Valve Diagram
Backwater Valve Features
Back water valves information
Backflow Links
Backflow Preventers
Backwater Valve Animation
Backwater Valve Videos

Basement Drain Backing Up

 contact us about your backwater valve needsContact Us

Flood Alarm

Frequently Asked QuestionsBack water valve questions

adobe acrobat pdf filesFullport Backwater Valve Brochure (Adobe Acrobat pdf)

how to install your backwater valveINSTALLATION TIPS;  how to install backwater valves 

Termex Backwater Valves
Termex Backwater Valve Brochure (Adobe Acrobat pdf)

NEW: TOP-CHECK BACKWATER VALVESnew Top-check backwater valves

Mainline ML-FR4 Backwater Valve (Fio Valve)
adobe acrobat pdf filesML-FR4 Mainline Backwater Valve Fio Valve Brochure (Acrobat pdf)

6" Backwater Valves - Mainline STRAIGHT FIT Backwater Valves

Mainline History

backwater valve measurements and specificationsMeasurements, Specifications and IAPMO Certifications


Mainline Fullport Backwater Valves offer the right solution for your sewer backup problems.


Protect Your Home with a Backwater Valve

All Orders must be placed ONLINE by Credit Card


telephone For non-order info, you may phone Greg at 330.836.9393 9 AM - 4 PM EST M-F
or Voicemail anytime)


copyright 2004 to 2/13/2025 at 23:10:17 ET,
Akron, OH, USA.
All rights reserved.

backflow prevention links is independently owned and resells products produced and manufactured by Mainline of Canada and assumes no liability for the installation of backwater valves and related products.

Be sure to check with the plumbing authority in the municipality in which your valve is to be installed to insure that your installation is in compliance with local code, and be sure have your valve inspected by your local plumbing inspector after installation. Inspect your valve frequently; the Backwater Valve through its clear plastic housing top, and the Adapt-A-Valve, by removing the gate cassette.


Pipe end-to-end, the Adapt-A-Valve takes up 6" of run in your line and the outlet is 1-1/2" LOWER than the inlet, so in just 6" the level of the pipe at the outlet side needs to be 1-1/2" lower.

Pipe end-to-end, the Backwater Valve takes up 12" of run in your line and the outlet is 3/4" LOWER than the inlet, so in just 12" the level of the pipe at the outlet side needs to be 3/4" lower.

Depending upon the amount of slope in your line (2% minimum is required for proper operation), you may need to replace several feet of pipe downstream from the valve to average out this "loss" of fall.

NOTE: New Straight-Fit and ML-FR4 require less slope. (refer to detail pages for these products)


Mainline Valve Warranty
(in printable Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)

visa, mastercard, discover, american express, echeck accepted accepts these
major credit cards plus eCheck
using PayPal's secure checkout.
(No PayPal account needed)
We are unable to process phone orders,
all orders must be placed via the website.
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